Perception of Changes in Family Functionality in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus After an Educational Intervention
Diabetes Mellitus, Family Functionality, Educational interventionAbstract
Objective: Determine the perception of changes in Family Functionality in patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus after an Educational Intervention. Methods: A quasi-experimental study was carried out, a sample of 298 participants in the Family Medicine Unit, Number 22 of Teziutlán Puebla. Mexican Social Security Institute. A pre- and post-intervention evaluation was carried out using the FF-SIL test for family functionality (Cronbach’s alpha of 0.931). It was analyzed with non-parametric statistics. Results: 54.7% of the families were classified as “moderately functional” in the Pre-Intervention, moving to a percentage of 91.7% as “functional” family in the post-intervention. Conclusions: It was demonstrated with statistical significance (p=0.000) that the Educational Intervention in patients with type 2 diabetes modified the perception of family functionality.