Association between quality of sleep and glycemic control in a Family Medicine Unit of Ciudad Madero, Tamaulipas. Mexico
Objective: To evaluate the association between sleep quality and glycemic control in adult patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2). Methods: Cross-sectional study, non-probabilistic sampling was performed among patients with DM2 at UMF No. 77. A sample of 200 patients who met the inclusion criteria was obtained. Finally, 68 patients were excluded due to having incomplete electronic records, confirming a sample of 132 patients. After informed consent, sociodemographic characteristics were obtained, determination of glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), establishing values of <6.5% as glycemic control. A validated instrument was applied to evaluate the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Results: Of the 132 patients, 25% had good glycemic control. Overweight patients had a fourfold increased risk of glycemic imbalance: Patients without sleep problems had a 12-fold lower risk of glycemic imbalance. In constrat patients who required medical attention for their sleep quality and those who required medical attention had a five- and three-fold increased risk of glycemic imbalance. Conclusions: Sleep quality was associated with glycosylated hemoglobin control or no control in patients with DM2.