Metabolic Syndrome as a Risk Factor for Arterial Stiffness


  • Alberto F. Rubio Guerra Jefatura de Enseñanza e Investigación, Hospital General de Ticomán, Ciudad de México. México.
  • Carolina Guerrero García Jefatura de Enseñanza e Investigación, Hospital General de Ticomán, Ciudad de México. México.
  • Daniel R. Benítez Maldonado Servicios de Ecocardiografía, Servicio de Medicina Interna. Hospital General de Ticomán, Ciudad de México. México.
  • Jorge L. Narváez Rivera Servicios de Ecocardiografía, Servicio de Medicina Interna. Hospital General de Ticomán, Ciudad de México. México.
  • Germán Vargas Ayala Hospital General de Ticomán, Ciudad de México. México.



Metabolic syndrome, Arterial stiffness, Cardiovascular risk


Objective: To evaluate the risk of arterial wall stiffnes in patients with metabolic syndrome. Methods: 150 patients were included, in whom the PWV pulse wave velocity was determined with an Arteriograph device, a PWV ≤ 9 m/S was considered normal. The diagnosis of metabolic syndrome was made with the criteria of the International Diabetes Federation. The statistical methods used were odds ratio and Mann-Whitney U. Results: We found PWV > 9 m/S in 79 patients, 69 with metabolic syndrome. We diagnosed metabolic syndrome in 105 (70%) subjects, the odds ratio for presenting pulse wave velocity > 9 m/s in patients with metabolic syndrome was 6.7 (95 CI 2.98 to 15.08, p > 0.0001). Conclusions: Metabolic syndrome increases the risk of arterial stiffness, which increases the cardiovascular risk of these patients. The measurement of PWV is a safe tool that provides useful information in the global assessment of these patients, and should be part of the comprehensive study of patients with metabolic syndrome.



How to Cite

Rubio Guerra, A. F., Guerrero García, C., Benítez Maldonado, D. R., Narváez Rivera, J. L., & Vargas Ayala, G. (2024). Metabolic Syndrome as a Risk Factor for Arterial Stiffness. Archivos En Medicina Familiar, 26(5), 243–246.



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