Frequency of Symptoms Related to Depression, Anxiety and Stress in Older Adults who Presented with COVID-19 Illness in a Family Medicine Unit in Mexicali, Baja California. Mexico


  • José Roberto Estrada Gómez Unidad de Medicina Familiar (UMF) Número 16, Mexicali Baja California. Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS)
  • Guadalupe Ortega Vélez Unidad de Medicina Familiar (UMF) Número 16, Mexicali Baja California. Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS
  • María Elena Haro Acosta Docente en Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (UABC), Facultad de Medicina Mexicali
  • Rafael Iván Ayala Figueroa Docente en el Instituto Tecnológico Nacional de México (TecNM), Campus Mexicali. Baja California



Older adults, anxiety, stress, depression, COVID-19


Objective: Determine the frequency of symptoms related to depression, anxiety and stress in older adults who had COVID-19 disease. Method: Cross-sectional study in older adults who had COVID-19 disease and assigned to the Family Medicine Unit No.16 of the city of Mexicali, Baja California of the Mexican Social Security Institute. 60 patients were included through non-probabilistic quota sampling in the period from January to March 2022. The DASS-21 scale was applied to evaluate states of depression, anxiety and stress. Results: The female sex predominated with 55%, the average age between 60 to 65 years. The frequency of depression was 5.71%, anxiety 10% and stress 9.76%. Conclusions: Low levels according to the DASS-21 test predominated. Emotional problems are frequent in older adults who suffer from COVID-19, so they should be detected early.



How to Cite

Estrada Gómez, J. R., Ortega Vélez, G., Haro Acosta, M. E., & Ayala Figueroa, R. I. (2024). Frequency of Symptoms Related to Depression, Anxiety and Stress in Older Adults who Presented with COVID-19 Illness in a Family Medicine Unit in Mexicali, Baja California. Mexico. Archivos En Medicina Familiar, 26(2), 111–116.



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